

We spent an evening at a lovely villa on the Shire River.  It is a guaranteed place for viewing hippo.  We sat at picnic table drinking a coca cola and watched the hippo in the river.  They open their mouths and look quite menacing.  They are far away at the other side of the river and are being viewed through binoculars.  There is one group altogether with some white Egret like birds on top of them.  There were lone hippos popping up here and there at different places on the river.

The locals talk of crocodiles in the river and a sign warns of no swimming in the river.  Not that I was tempted to swim with hippos or crocodiles in the first place.  I guess the water could be inviting on a hot day but it wasn’t that hot to me.

I slept well at the villa.  It was peaceful and quiet.  Breakfast was served on the veranda after I had helped myself to few hours of bird watching and hippo viewing.