Ethiopia Summer 2015

Ethiopia Summer 2015

I can’t believe I’ve already been here a week!3 out of 4 of us arrived with no hiccups the first day ( eh 75 % isn’t bad). Our final team member arrived Monday due to unforeseen visa complications. ( Apparently you need a visa to sit in the international section of an airport) Starting out Sunday at 7 am we were happily greater by the staff of AAU. We were then brought to a far out AAU campus near the expressway. This place was great because of the accommodations but was seriously lacking in location. ( It was nearly 2 hours away from our work) We moved into the international dorms Wednesday and except for no power or water the first night all was well. Its really nice being able to walk everywhere. Addis is a huge crazy city where absolutely everything is in Amharic. I don’t know what I expected but having never been to a country with a totally different script it came as a surprise. We’ve been able to get by with only minor funny moments ordering. anyway, back to work. Ciao I
