Big Orange

Big Orange

The People’s Party of Malawi is the political party of the current President Banda of Malawi.  She is a woman and I a fascinated to be a country with a woman president.  The party members and supporters wear UT orange.  Some wear it in solid colors while others wear printed fabric made into skirt wraps and traditional shirts with a picture of the current president on the fabric.

The political meeting which sounds like a party convention is happening in the field by the medical college at the location of the Skyband hotspot.  It was interesting to look out from the balcony and see the thousands of people pouring in by the busloads. We had stopped in town this morning and had a drink in the garden of a hotel and there were party officials having sodas or pop in the garden as well.  The day had a lovely breeze and was not hot.

 It feels like fall in Tennessee Big Orange everywhere except it is springtime in Malawi and the flowers are blooming everywhere.