


In Malawi football is soccer and it is big!  The guys here follow the local Malawi teams, the teams of Africa and the British Premier League.  Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool seem to have the largest following.  There is a big game this afternoon and another tomorrow.  The guys like to get together and watch.  It is great fun!

There are a few girls who play soccer in school but it has not really taken off here for girls like in America and other countries.  Girls seem to prefer a game called netball which appears to be a variation of basketball with more passing and less dribbling.  Running is not looked on as a sport here.  There was a girl from Blantyre who swam in the Olympics which was exciting.

At school the students are assigned to houses, sort of like in the Harry Potter books. They each have a name for example they may be named for the 4 mountains around the city.  Even if the student does not board at the school, they will be assigned to a house. The houses seems to be social and serve to set up teams within the school which compete against each other.  This is my first impression anyway.  Each house will have a soccer or football team and they will play against each other, swim teams and so on.   I wonder how the keeper training will go. 
