Guard dog

Guard dog

We have a Malawian singing dog named Mishak.  He is an outdoor dog.  He barks when folks come to the gate and wakes up the guards did I say wakes up?  I should say alerts the guard.  He sometime sings and the neighbor dogs sing too and they sound like coyotes in an old spaghetti western movie.  The first night he was here he whined all night.  He is not a puppy.  He was near our bedroom window and I did not sleep.  Robert did not hear a thing.

He is a skinny dog.  He can walk between the bars meant to keep people out of the back of the house wear the laundry is hung.  It does not matter if the gate is open not. He can walk right through the gate for now.  I think he gets fed a little better here than his previous home.  I bet he won’t be walking through the gate for long.  He licks his lips when I come home in the evening.  I guess he thinks he will soon get dinner.  He is right.

He is not an aggressive dog.  He does bark though that is his job.  I guess he is a dog alarm instead of a guard dog.

