

I had a house in Africa, with 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths a car port for a car we do not have.  Most people in Malawi do not have cars or a cooker (stove) or concrete floors.  This house is a mansion by Malawian standards.  We spent the day moving in, hanging curtains and mosquito nets, making beds and cooking our first meal together.  We don’t have dishes yet so I washed the Frisbees for 2 plates and then we had 2 bowels in the camping set.

We had rice and a beef stir fry which is Halaal.  We found a store near our new house that is very clean and observes Muslim teachings for meat and poultry and we decided that will be our place for protein.  It is next to another grocery store which is a short walk away.  They have ultra-pasteurized long shelf life milk now.    There are many vendors on the way home selling fresh produce so we purchased some delicious tomatoes, bananas and garlic and got some lessons in Chichewa, the local language.

Tomorrow will be an excursion for house supplies like a dust bin and such.  Might be time for some dishes, glasses and silverware, civilized things like that.


4 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    WOW! I didn't know you were doing this. Eric and I will watch your blog. Be safe! Kathy Keenum Gustaveson

  2. Well, you could buy dishes, but maybe "the Lord will provide." Saw a tee shirt on the ground and thought of you all. The other folks who read this comment, will they recognize that as a Witig/Keenum attribute? Thanks for the blog. I'm really curious to follow your experience. And photos, photos, photos. Even ones from the camera are more than adequate!

  3. Kathe McMullan says:

    Only 3 bedrooms?? Where are you going to put your guests? I am planning ahead … thinking of May?!

  4. Brenda says:

    Wonderful to read your blog! Very creative of you to use your Fresbees for plating. Just what you would expect from a North Carolinian country girl.

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