

Jacarandas are large trees that are all abloom with purple flowers that line Kamuzu Boulevard near our new house.  They were falling off the trees on Mount Pleasant street, where we had been living, leaving a carpet of purple petals.

Last week we went to the Jacaranda orphanage on the outskirts of town.  You may have heard of it as Maria de Silva, a Malawian woman who worked as a nanny in Los Angeles and was nominated as a CNN Hero a few years ago.  What an amazing woman.  She turned the home she grew up in with her parents and siblings into a school for orphans.  She fundraises much of the year but oversees the whole place with the help of many kind folks.  The kids get 2 meals a day, school, books and after school activities they would likely never get without the organization.  There are 400 kids and there are many ways they land in the orphan status here, HIV, malaria, accidents and tb to name a few.

If you have some spare change and feel inclined, check out the Jacaranda foundation at this hyperlink and know that it will be well managed and go to a good cause.         www.jacarandafoundation.org



One Response

  1. aimee says:

    I have enjoyed reading about your adventures! I look forward to hearing more and more! Pictures are always good, too!!! I miss you here Dr. Keenum!

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