Day 2: Omaha to Mount Rushmore

The day began much like any other day… Our hotel for the evening left a bit to be desired and we soon learned that you should read more than just the recommended reviews on trip advisor. The depressingly lit room that smelled strongly of men’s cologne turned out to be fine, but we slept in the same bed just in case. On the road today we went through the many fields ( and I do mean many) in South Dakota and have developed a new game of cows or horses in which you guess which animal will populate your nearby field. Anyway we did have the great fortune of stopping at the world’s largest and only corn palace. This was quite the unexpected treat in Mitchell, South Dakota. This was followed by the treat of Corona Village, or the only restaurant open on Sundays in Mitchell. This also happened to be Mother’s Day and thus the entirety of Mitchell was there appreciating their loved mothers. The food was mediocre but served in vast quantities, so an appetizer and entree to share turned into lunch and dinner. This was fine because when we reached Keystone we found nothing open as the summer tourist season had not yet arrived. Road trip Lesson #1: Never think you live in the most boring state (unless it is South Dakota, in which case you do) Road Trip Lesson #2: Bring extra sweaters, it may be snowing when you arrive at a place you thought you might camp.