Around the country in 20 days

My friend and I have embarked on a journey around the United States to see a part of the globe that both of us have missed. I can say I, at least, have been to more countries than states and this trip is my effort to remedy this. The goal is to do a grand loop around the external part of the United States. We are embarking on a 6500 mile journey through 19 states. On May 10 we left Knoxville with a dubious disposition on whether or not we were actually doing this road trip. A brief stop at the Hermitage( and I mean very brief), apparently Andrew Jackson’s homestead is a multi hour 15 dollar a person venture and instead we opted to enjoying lunch with the oversize horses that kept begging for our own lunch. ( I bet these horses were around with Jackson). Back on the road through St Louis, Kansas City and staying in Omaha meant we have already visited 5 of our 19 states. We saw the St Louis arch, the Kansas City Royals Stadium,and the many casinos adorning the road from Kansas City to Omaha. In addition we saw some great thunder and lightening storms. Driving through the many terrains on the trip, we have seen the rolling hills of Tennessee, flat plains of Missouri and very little of Iowa. Our initial days on the road are by far our longest driving days. The first ended up being around 15 hours and today is a predicted 8 hours. Hopefully this trip continues to go as well as it has started. Cheers I&S