Chicken with Peanut Sauce

Chicken with Peanut Sauce


What to cook for dinner, an age old issue.  I decided to cook chicken in peanut sauce.  I found a great place to buy chicken near the house.  You can get any pack of any parts you want frozen.  The lady who runs the store is named Beatrice.  She has the same name as the mother of an old friend of mine who made the best peanut sauce and thus the idea of what to make for dinner. 

Greek salad, with cabbage instead of lettuce, is a common salad for us.  We all decided it was less risky for GI problems and we can’t find lettuce.  We do find fantastic tomatoes, (as good as Grainger county), cucumbers, olives and feta cheese.

We have rice with dinner most of the time.  The teenage growing boy dreams of heaping portions on his plate.  We are not starving in Malawi.  It is the dry season, before the rains.  The villagers are preparing to plant and hoping for the rains to come next month.
