New campus

New campus

The University of Malawi is opening a new campus in Lilongwe the capital of Malawi.  This is the political capital and the place where the US embassy is located.  The decision was made to move the third year class to Lilongwe and they start this week.  It is the beginning of clinical medicine for the students. 

I arrived and met a few family physicians and signed up to teach in the family medicine course and help start the residencies here.  I got to thinking that I should check out the community medicine department that I signed up to teach in and those courses are to be taught in Lilongwe.  I will likely help with student research projects.  I love that! 

I think I will stay her and do what I can. My skill set matches the needs here perfectly.  Go figure.


One Response

  1. B. Bonnyman says:

    So glad to find your blog, using contact info provided by Aimee B. from the residency. My kids say hi to their fellow Spartans. I hope things are going well for everyone in the family, and look forward to reading more about your adventures!

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